Helping Citizen Enablement

Thank you for reading through Citizens Enablement so far and seeing what is our deepest desire. We realise some of the material may be too contorted and rather difficult to fully comprehend in detail. But the key message we are delivering is for Citizens to want to take greater control of their lives and develop a world that they want to inhabit. Similarly, we want academics who really want to help to try to learn a better way to help such citizens reach their desired aspirations, rather than simply develop the world based on their own specialisation as a professional and achieving the world values they have learned to desire from their peers.

We are not disparaging when we refer to our Citizen, as being ‘Normal’, we simply mean any native or naturalized member of any community, in a state or nation, that does not having specialised intelligence, educational success or ability as an academic or a politician etc would have. They often do not have the desire in the past  to think they can achieve their aspiration or would even want to try. Rather they feel they owe their allegiance to any government so it sorts out their lives and are entitled to its protection; often these inhabitants of a city or town, believe they are especially entitled to the privileges or franchises it can provide; they are also people who normally conducts themselves in accordance with the rights, duties, and privileges of being an inhabitant of a geographical location by means of birth or naturalization. Some would wish us not to use the phrase ‘normal citizen’, but we feel it sets the right scene for our work.

If you want further encouragement to become involved in Citizens Enablement see how well Marcus  Rashford has done in convincing the British Government to change policy in support of helping poor children get a square meal every day. If    he can do it, so can you.

Similarly when we have used the term ‘realistic  change’, we are only concerned with what is, or can be, a real or practical change desired by those normal citizens: it has to have a realistic estimate of costs; involves realistic planning; and pertains to, and is characterized by, or given to the representation of things as they really are, and not a wonderland expectation. And this is where the academics or other learning enablers are so important because they can work with citizens to help them achieve their just desires and aspirations.

If you agree with us that you may want to be one of our developing citizens or enabling academics the first thing would be to help us by saying so. You can do this in two ways: either by writing to us at the contact emails shown in the previous section or by going onto the next Forum section of the site and answering one of our ten questions posed in the spaces provided. Which ever way you choose to respond it will truly help us to know how to proceed if you are able to tell us in your own words how you respond to the following:

Q1 Do you think the ideas behind the CE proposal worthy of developing?

Q2 Can you suggest ways of improving the proposal?

Q3 Can you suggest ways we could get better acceptance of the ideas by Academic Enablers and Universities or indeed other learning enablers?

Q4 Can you suggest ways we could get better ‘buy in’ to the ideas by Citizens, Communities and Small Businesses?

Q5 Do the present Case Studies give you confidence the proposal can work for you and can you tell us about other problems and issues you would like us to focus on?

Q6 Can you propose other Cases of Best Practice to enrich and support the proposal, including your own?

Q7 Do you know of any organisation in your own country who might be prepared to back the proposal in any way?

Q8 Would you be prepared to help develop and deliver the proposal, not matter how little?

Q9 Would you be prepared to help with any of the political and social ‘heavy lifting’ to deliver the proposal into the real world  and properly embed it?

Q10 You may not feel what we are suggesting is sensible or worthy. If so be honest, and tell us you don’t think any of the ideas are worthwhile? We clearly don’t want to waste anyone’s time so this is important for us to know if it is your view.

So we hope our proposal will at least stimulate you to respond to us and to let us know your interest, or not. You can be as simple in your response as you wish. But we hope that what we have said at least has given you food for thought in these difficult pandemic times.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Case Studies
Years of Experience
Community Enablements

"Self-Organisation towards Citizen Enablement"

We Love Citizens

We love to hear from you.

Contact Details

127 Hale Road, Hale, Greater Manchester, WA15 9HQ, UK

Enablement is a gift to be shared with others

Share your enablement stories with us.

Towards a Better Community

Questions for anyone interested in CE (Citizen Enablement)

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